
Identify existing networking opportunities to engage and promote community partnerships
Gap Analysis
The gap analysis is a simple tool to help identify the gap between a current situation and the future state that you want to reach, along with the tasks that must be completed to close this gap. Analyze your current situation For each of your objectives, analyze your...
The Five Whys Exercise
Objective To identify the root causes of problems and barriers related to early identification and referral in the community. If, after reviewing the Community Readiness Assessment and results of the Scan of Current Screening Practices, the Community Implementation...
SWOT Analysis
A Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) analysis guides you to identify the positives and negatives inside your organization (S-W) and outside of it, in the external environment (O-T). SWOT is a simple way to identify the issues or problems you intend to...
Root Causes of Problems and Barriers
Identifying the root cause of problems/barriers can help determine why there is a difference between the desired vision and what is currently happening. Using the following table, identify what problems or barriers exist and then determine the root cause of those...
Finding Your ‘Why’
Community Liaisons are encouraged to identify a personal ‘why’ before engaging with partners to define a community vision. A personal ‘why’ includes your values and dreams for the world as well as clarifies your own reasons for engaging in this work. Spend some time...
Community Readiness Assessment
Community readiness is the capacity of a community to implement programs, policies, and other changes designed to address a social issue. The Community Readiness Assessment gathers information about readiness from community members and leverages the results for the...
Community Resources Inventory Overview
This larger inventory of resources can be used to identify service gaps and/or be shared with referring organizations, agencies, and programs.