
You are the guiding hand to help parents through the journey.
Families look to you for information they can trust about their child’s development.
how important providers of all kinds are to creating healthy children
Ages & Stages Questionnaire® (ASQ ®)
Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®) are valid and reliable tools that use parent report to evaluate developmental and social-emotional skills of their children between birth and age 6. The ASQ ® screening tool has been specifically developed to be used as a child grows older to identify delays and developmental progress to provide an avenue for additional supports and intervention for children. ASQ-3® focuses on these areas of development: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social.
ASQ:SE-2® focuses on these social-emotional development domains: self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive behavior, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people.
Statewide ASQ Online System
ASQ Online is a web-based system that offers the ASQ questionnaire completion by hand or online and online data management. With funding from the Preschool Development Grant – Renewal (PDG-R), we can provide statewide access to ASQ Online systems to improve
coordination and reach more families! For more information on ASQ Online or how your program can join visit the ASQ Online Account Adminstrator Map.
Provider Resources
Communicating With Families About Referrals
Empower Families for Successful Referrals
Screening Tools
Evidence based and recommended screening tools
Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status
Ages and Stages Questionnaire– ASQ Social Emotional 2 and ASQ 3
Developmental Screening Passport & Milestone and Activity Postcards
Developmental Screening Passport
Increases awareness among parents, providers, and communities about development screeners and helps facilitate conversations between parents and providers about the importance of screening children. The passport can also be used as a tracking tool for the parents to utilize for their child’s developmental screening record and help to give parents understanding of their child’s developmental health.
Spanish Developmental Screening Passport
Milestone and Activity Postcards
Increases awareness and engagement among parents, providers, and communities about milestone development and helps facilitate conversations between parents and providers about the importance of age milestones for children. The milestone postcards can also be used as a tool for providers to connect with families on a more consistent basis.
Medical Provider Resources
Infant/Toddler: Development, Screening, and Assessment
Guide to Developmental and Behavioral Screening: From Birth to Five
Connected Families, Connected Communities Healthcare Professionals Tip Sheet
How to Incorporate Screenings Into Your Practice
Screening Algorithm:
AAP Developmental Screening Algorithm
Oregon ABCD Screening Referral Algorithm
Office Flow Model:
Example of an Office Flow Model
Pediatric Developmental Screening Flowchart
Clinical Self Assessment and Screening Implementation Worksheet
Bright Futures
Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care
Developmental Screening Webinar video
Using the ASQ
What is ASQ? Information for Parents:
The ASQ-3 for Children and Families
How to Introduce ASQ Questionnaires: Helping Parents Get Comfortable
Sharing Screening Results:
Tips for Sharing Screening Results
Tips for Discussing Screening Results with Families
ASQ Electronic Health Record Integration:
Early Care and Education/ Home Visitors
Screening Overviews and Communication with Families
Infant/Toddler: Development, Screening, and Assessment
Prepare before you share ASQ screening results
3Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns
Connected Families, Connected Communities Early Education Professionals Tip Sheet
The Ages and Stages Questionnaire
What is ASQ? Information for Parents:
The ASQ-3 for Children and Families
How to Introduce ASQ Questionnaires: Helping Parents Get Comfortable
Sharing Screening Results:
Tips for Sharing Screening Results
Tips for Discussing Screening Results with Families
Learning Standards
Kansas Early Learning Standards
Core Competencies for the Early Childhood and Youth Development Professionals
Helpful National Resources
Caring for Our Children: National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Childcare and Early Education
National Association for Education of Young Children
Child Care Aware-Help Your Child Care Business Succeed
Head Start: Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center
Kansas Association for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health
Parent Engagement Standards
Kansas Family Engagement and Partnership Standards for Early Childhood
Continuing Education
Kansas Inservice Training System
Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities
Kansas Association for the Education of Young Children
Kansas State Department of Education
Child Care Provider Coalition of Kansas
Kansas Technical Assistance System Network
Early Education and Childcare Development: The Family Conservancy
National Training Opportunities
Center for the Childcare Workforce
Parent Helpline Resources for families in your community, available 24 hours a day.