
Conduct targeted outreach to providers through office-based education, trainings, and/or workshops on effective developmental screening and surveillance
AAP Policy Statement on Screening and Surveillance
Office Flow Model
Infant Toddler Development, Screening and Assessment from Zero to Three
Help Me Grow 101
Downloadable PowerPoint
What is Developmental Surveillance
Components of developmental surveillance eliciting and attending to parental concernsdocumenting and maintaining a developmental historyobserving the childidentifying risks and protective factorsmaintaining an accurate record of findings over time, which includes...
Physician-to-Physician Outreach – Examples from Kansas
Example 1: Community Connections Lead to Increased Screening One nurse practitioner became interested in participating in opportunities for training and incorporating developmental screening into her practice after the community engagement representative from her...
Physician-to-Physician Outreach – Examples from Connecticut
Example 1One pediatric provider called the Help Me Grow Connecticut office after on-site training had been completed to invite staff to a monthly pediatric community provider meeting at the local hospital. The provider believed that other practices in the community...
Developmental Screening Tools
The ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE-2 are developmental screening tools that look at how children are doing in important areas, such as speech, physical ability, social skills, problem solving, and social-emotional development. The ASQ-3 and ASQ: SE-2 can help identify a child’s...
Developmental Screening Overview
Developmental screening is an indispensable tool for detecting children at developmental risk. However, it is of value only to the extent that it is paired with developmental surveillance and with linkage to appropriate and effective programs and services. The...
Bright Futures
Bright Futures is a national health promotion and prevention initiative, led by the American Academy of Pediatrics and supported, in part, by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Maternal and...